Parent Hub
School Closure Procedure Due To Bad Weather
Governors and the Headteacher will make every effort to keep the school open and will only take the decision to close when it is in the interests of safety either on site or while travelling to and from school. Other reasons may include the loss of heating and or power during particularly cold weather. Pre-emptive measures will be in place to make the site safe including the gritting of pathways and advice to students and staff about safety around the site.
Therefore, students and parents must presume the school is open until confirmed otherwise by the methods explained below.
If students are unable to make it to school, they must phone the absence line as early as possible. Students should make every effort to reach school but should not embark upon hazardous and dangerous journeys.
1. Before School
The intention is to inform parents and students as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary journeys and prevent access to the site if a) site cannot be made safe b) travel would be dangerous.
- The Headteacher will decide if the school is to be opened or closed
If closed, then:
- There will be a website message indicating closure
2. During the School Day
- If weather deteriorates once school has opened an assessment will be made by the Headteacher and Site Manager as soon as possible and preferably before midday
- Staff will be informed and lessons suspended allowing a return to Tutor groups. A message will be conveyed to students that the site will be closing. Students will be allowed to call home and Tutors will ascertain which students can travel (A), which need to be picked up (B) and which have been unable to contact home (C)
- If possible, the expectation is that students would travel home on public transport, if safe, to reduce congestion
- A message will be sent to parents and put on the website
- Students (A) are dispatched immediately once Tutors have confirmed. Students (B) are kept in Form rooms with Tutors until (A) have departed and then brought to the Hall to await pick up. Tutors are dismissed by SLT when no longer needed
- Staff will continue to attempt contact with relatives of (C) or make alternative arrangements e.g. to stay with parents of friends
- A skeleton staff remain until all students have been collected
Updates will be given to staff, parents and students via the school website, advising of the school opening or continued closure.
Please ensure you check the website regularly for updates.