
One of the areas we are passionate about is Careers Education and enhancing our student's future employability.

Townley Grammar Careers NewsletterThe Careers Team believe in building opportunities, driving social mobility and inspiring aspirations that have a lasting impact on our communities. The team work alongside the senior leadership team in order to embed valuable, pertinent Careers Education that is appropriate for our students and fulfils our purpose of transforming communities through education and education through our communities.

Careers Education in Year 12 is focused on recognising and building on students’ skills and preparing them for their Post18 pathways. Students are fully supported in making applications for their Post 18 transition, whether this is university, an apprenticeship or alternative pathway.

The Careers Team are always on hand for advice, with bespoke Careers Guidance meetings available and a wealth of support provided through our character and wellbeing programme. It is of primary importance that students find the pathway which is right for them and that they are being provided with the tools in order to make these choices.

We have also made a commitment to Unifrog, which is a one-stop-shop destinations platform that has now grown to encompass, alongside all UK universities, apprenticeships and Further Education colleges, as well as US and Canadian universities, and degrees taught in English in Europe, Asia and Australasia. Their mission is to level the playing field when it comes to young people finding the best opportunities for them; they put having a positive social impact before anything else.

Read our Summer 2024 Careers Newsletter!

Guidance for beyond Townley Grammar School

We provide an extensive and comprehensive UCAS guidance programme to support students in their choice of university and course, which draws from the expert knowledge of the Careers  and  UCAS  Team.  The  process  begins  in  Year  12  with an introductory ‘After A-Levels’ evening and fair for students and their parents.

In June the process begins in earnest when Year 12 will spend a day receiving talks, registering with UCAS, making a start to their applications and will  receive personal statement writing support. This continues for the remainder of the year with students being allocated their own personal referee who will support them throughout.

This focused, tailored approach sees the majority of our students succeed in obtaining offers from their ‘first choice’ universities, many of which are the top research universities in the country, otherwise known as the Russell Group.

Courses which require additional tests such as the BMAT/UCAT for Medicine and Oxbridge admissions tests are supported through additional sessions, including courses as part of the enrichment programme, which help prepare students  for  these all important hurdles. Mock interviews held by teaching staff and staff from a variety of other schools, as well as parent supporters provide students with a realistic view of the process.

Careers and Futures Fair

30th January 2024

The annual Fair this year was combined with the Townley Spirit ‘Careers Day’ and gave all the opportunity to dress up in their ‘dream career’ and chat to the exhibitors about career pathways and future study options.

National Apprenticeship Week 2024

5th-11th February 2024

National Apprenticeship Week is an annual, week-long celebration of apprenticeships and anyone involved with them. The week brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

National Careers Week

4th -9th March 2024

National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways. NCW is a dedicated week every year allowing schools, colleges, universities, alternative provision settings and organisations to work towards. It’s backed-up with free high-quality printable, downloadable, digital and video resources for educators to support planning and delivery.

LMI: Careerometer

Can be used to explore and compare key information about different occupations and identify potential careers. It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.

Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected, identify if the workforce is projected to grow or retire, creating job openings.

Please scroll to see/select all three options.