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Townley Weekly Communications 29-01-24

Weekly Communications 29-01-24
Parents/Carers & Students Weekly Communication

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Townley Spirit: Career's Day - Dress up as your dream job on Tuesday 30th January
To follow on from our Townley Spirit assemblies earlier in January and to run parallel with our Career's Fair, we will be having our Career's Day tomorrow. This is a student led endeavour to encourage students to think about a career that inspires them! We are passionate about our students becoming leaders in an ever changing world and are looking forward to imagining with them through our first Townley Spirit Event!

Career's Fair
Tomorrow is our annual Townley Career's Fair. We are excited to have delegates from over 30 providers, with a vast array of backgrounds and industries. Each year group has an allocated timeslot throughout the day and we would appreciate parents’ support in generating conversations and cultivating interest in potential future career pathways. To give you a flavour of the exhibition, we have - a Director of Finance, a Lecturer in Law, Scenes of Crime Officer, Principal Associate Landscape Architect, Solicitor, ASK Apprenticeship Advisor, STEM Communicator and Leadership Facilitator to name a few. 

In Key Stage 3, our CWB lessons have focussed on skills and qualities for the workplace, at Key Stage 4 we have looked at post-16 pathways and decision making, and at Key Stage 5 we have looked at next steps and post-18 pathways. Please do encourage these conversations at home. 

PGL Trip – Year 7
We are delighted to inform you that we will be running a Year 7 PGL trip to Windmill Hill later this academic year. 

Whether it’s paddling a canoe across the lake, a leap of faith to reach the trapeze bar or a morning’s hike to explore the beautiful surroundings, there is plenty to discover at Windmill Hill. There are great facilities including a sports hall, classrooms and a large playing field. All accommodation is ensuite.  The aim of this weekend is to give students the opportunity to try different activities, challenge themselves, overcome their fears, build new friendships, develop teamwork, resilience and build their own self-esteem and self-confidence.

We will send further information to Year 7 parents soon, as we are finalising details with PGL.

Please be aware that we have a higher than average staff absence at the moment due to illness.  We are ensuring that cover is provided for all students and, where possible, subject specialists are being used.  It is important that all students engage with Cover work and ensure it is completed by the next lesson, unless otherwise specified.

Spring Clubs 2024
Please see our extra-curricular clubs and activities page for an updated list of all clubs and activities running this term. 

Intergeneration Podcast Project 7-13

We are delighted to announce that the Irish Community Services would like to offer the Podcast project for another year at Townley. This is a superb opportunity for students, allowing them to develop their confidence and technical skills whilst forming links with the Irish elders in our local community. In addition, all Podcasts will be broadcast on Maritime Radio 96.5 FM! Students do not need to be of Irish Heritage to take part. 

Students would work in school groups and would need to invest two hours per month in order to create a podcast. It is worth noting that students will have the option of taking part in only one recording if time is limited alongside other commitments.  Each Podcast will require a 30-minute online meeting and a further 1-hour afterschool recording at the Irish Community Services.

Examples of a previous Podcast can be heard here

Please note that although these opportunities will be offered and overseen by Townley, the sessions will be run independently by the Irish Community's own team of staff, who are all DBS checked. If you are interested in taking part, please could you email your Assistant Learning Manager at the outset, expressing your interest:

Mrs Johal KS3: [email protected]

Mrs Fitzgerald KS4: [email protected]

Ms Baker KS5: [email protected]

Students should also join The Irish Podcast Google Classroom using code xsuq4qy in order to receive updates.
The deadline for applications is: Friday 9th February.

Year 9 Vaccinations – DTP/MEN ACWY
This is a gentle reminder to parents and carers that the vaccination team will be in school on 9th February to carry out the DTP/Men booster vaccinations. If you have not already done so, please complete the form using the link in the attached letter. A yes or no response is required. The link will be open until 4th February. Many thanks.

COVID 19/Seasonal flu
During this time of year there is an increase in flu and Covid19 rates. The health and wellbeing of all our students and staff are a key priority for the school.

Please can parents and carers ensure if their child tests positive for Covid that they do not attend school for five days, unless they test negative before the fifth day. Although this is no longer a legal requirement, we do believe it is a sensible measure to take and one that aligns with our school values of consciousness and compassion for one another.

Additionally, we remind all students to maintain regular hand washing and/or the use of hand sanitiser in school. As ever, your support in relation to the health and wellbeing of our school community is much appreciated.

Bexley Women’s Aid
The mission of Bexley Women’s Aid is to enable and empower women and children experiencing domestic abuse to obtain and sustain a safe living environment. For over 40 years, BWA has been committed to providing support and refuge to women and their children affected by domestic abuse. Further support and advice is available from the flyer attached or

Finally, I leave you with the Townley Bulletin to read, engage with and enjoy.

Kind regards,

Miss H Mitchem

Deputy Headteacher

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Weekly Communications 29-01-24