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Townley School Uniform New School Logo

School Uniform New School Logo
School News Parents/Carers & Students

Dear Parents/Carers,

Further to my previous email regarding the new school logo, our school uniform provider has let us know that they have received calls querying changes to the uniform. To provide further clarity and to reassure you with reference to any costs; please read the following information carefully:

  • A new badge with the new logo will be provided for all students in Y7-Y11 - at no additional cost to parents/carers.
  • There is no expectation for any student to have to purchase a new blazer. Parents/carers should continue to purchase blazers with the existing logo and wait for the new badge to be issued.
  • To reiterate - there will be no charge for these badges; the school will fund the cost.
  • All other aspects of school uniform will remain the same for the time being - we will provide further information in due course and are very conscious of any additional costs to parents/carers.

Please do wait for further updates with regards to the new badge over the next few weeks. Until then, parents/carers do not need to purchase any new items for their children in relation to the new badge. The current uniform should still be worn in school.

Oz Schoolwear will continue to work with Townley and provide customer service for all parents/carers.

If you have any further questions regarding the new logo you may email [email protected] .

Kind regards,

N Pandya

Executive Headteacher

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